

Without the enthusiasm and dedication of volunteers, The Ruth Bancroft Garden would not be here today. Volunteers are instrumental in maintaining the garden and supporting the organization. Volunteering at the Garden is a wonderful way to enjoy this exceptional garden and contribute to its success. We accept applications year-round.

Volunteer Application

Ruth Bancroft Garden volunteers must:

  1. Have a current RBG membership. Learn more about the benefits of membership here.  Inquire with jacki@ruthbancroftgarden.org if you need financial assistance.
  2. Have an email address; this is our main form of communication for all RBG volunteers.
  3. Submit an online volunteer application form.
  4. Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.


After an application form is received, a short/informal interview will be scheduled.  Volunteers will then be asked to:

  1. Read and agree to follow the Garden’s volunteer policies and procedures as defined in our Volunteer Handbook.
  2. Complete and submit online paperwork that includes Acknowledgement of Volunteer Handbook policies, Release of Liability, and proof of COVID vaccination.
  3. Complete an online harassment prevention training and submit certificate of completion.
  4. Attend a brief orientation.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

See below for our various volunteer opportunities at the garden.  Click on the job title below to see a brief description of the key duties and time commitments involved.

Garden Ambassador

Garden Ambassadors – Welcome and help share the Garden with visitors. (We will train you!) Must be able to walk/stay on your feet for two hours in the Garden, attend an orientation and review training materials. Commitment is flexible. Various opportunities during open hours, Tuesday-Sunday.

Special Event Volunteers

Event Volunteers help when we need extra people-power during special events such as our Plant Sales, Annual Dinner, Sculpture Show, Garden of d’Lights and other social and educational events. Support with set-up and clean-up, and during the event things such as greeters, parking attendants, beverage servers, guides, etc. Variable days and times throughout the year

Weeding Warriors

Weeding Warriors provide valuable assistance in helping the Garden to look it’s best.  You will be asked to bring your own bucket, weeding tool and kneel pad. Thursday mornings (9am-11am)


Nursery help keep the nursery looking nice, assist with potting up plants, and  weeding. Very limited propagation. Must be able to stand for extended periods of time, bend, lift up to 25 lbs.  Wednesdays 9-11AM.

Children's Education Program Support

Children’s Education Program Support – Assist Children’s Program Manager with set-up/take down, assist with crafts, planting and sharing the Garden. Must submit to a background check.


Special Projects

Special Projects – Everything and the kitchen sink! Have special skills to share (i.e. carpentry, tech skills, fundraising, you name it)? Willing to take on discreet projects (i.e. staining furniture, prepping workshop materials, potting up plants, you name it)? Special projects abound and we always appreciate all willing hands!