
Plant Highlights

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Plant Highlight: Tylecodon dinteri

July 2003

Tylecodon dinteri, located in The Garden in Bed 7E and Yucca Flat, adds a splash of yellow to the summer garden. Tylecodon is an anagram of Cotyledon. Tylecodons were part of the genus Cotyledon until 1978, when the group was removed and renamed as a new genus. Tylecodons and Cotyledons differ in several ways. All Tylecodons are winter growers and are deciduous in summer. Cotyledons can be winter or summer growers and do not lose their leaves. During the summer, Tylecodons flower and then shed their leaves as they go dormant. T. dinteri is in full flower in The Garden this month, with bright yellow flowers and yellow-green leaves. Be sure to visit The Garden to see this wonderful plant.