
Garden Events

(Guided Walk) Asphodelaceae

Join us for a walk through the Garden to learn about the Asphodelaceae plant collection (such as aloes, gasterias and haworthias) at the Ruth Bancroft Garden.

$20.00 – $35.00

(Webinar) Aizoaceae

Join us for a comprehensive online lecture to learn about the Aizoaceae plant collection (formerly referred as the “mesembs” or ice plant family) at the Ruth Bancroft Garden.

$15.00 – $30.00

(Guided Walk) Aizoaceae

Join us for a walk through the Garden to learn about the Aizoaceae plant collection (formerly referred as the “mesembs” or ice plant family).

$20.00 – $35.00

(Webinar) Shrubs & Herbaceous Plants

Learn about shrubs and other herbaceous plants at the  Garden in this comprehensive online lecture.

$15.00 – $30.00

(Webinar) Bulbs

Learn about the assortment of extraordinary bulb collection at the Ruth Bancroft Garden in this comprehensive online lecture.

$15.00 – $30.00

(Guided Walk) Cactaceae [Barrel & Globular]

Join us for a walk through the Garden to learn about the Cactacaceae (barrel & globular types) at the Ruth Bancroft Garden.

$20.00 – $35.00

(Webinar) Cactaceae [Columnar & Opuntioids]

Learn about the iconic Cactacaceae plant collection (columnar & opuntioid types) at the Ruth Bancroft Garden in this comprehensive online lecture.

$15.00 – $30.00

(Guided Walk) Cactaceae [Columnar & Opuntioids]

Join us for a walk through the Garden to learn about the iconic Cactacaceae plant collection (columnar & opuntioid types) at the Ruth Bancroft Garden.

$20.00 – $35.00